The objective of Cabo is to have the least amount of points in the player's playing field at the end of the game.
Each player has four cards placed in front of them face down (playing field). Players may not view their own cards or the cards of anyone else unless specifically allowed (via Card Action)
Card | Value |
Joker | 0 |
Ace | 1 |
2-10 | 2-10 |
J | 11 |
Q | 12 |
K | 13 |
As soon as the game starts, all players select two of their own cards to view. Players may click the Ready button to begin. Cards remain viewed will remain face up until all players are ready. Opponents will not be able to see what you have viewed, but are able to see which position on the playing field were viewed.
At the start of every player's turn, the following options can be selected:
When a player draws a card from the deck or top card from the discard pile, they may replace that card with one of the cards in their playing field.
In order to replace multiple cards, the selected cards must be the same value (e.g. two Qs, three 5s). If the player is guesses incorrectly, no cards will be discarded and the replacement card will be added to their playing field on the furthest right position.
The replaced card(s) will be added to the top of the discard pile and the player’s turn ends.
If a card 7 - K is drawn, the player may use the card’s ability by clicking Card Action...
If the card action is used, the card will then be placed on top of the discard pile and the player ends their turn.
If playing with the One Eyed King rule, only the King of Diamonds will have the ability to view opponent's cards and swap.
The host of the game can change the Game Settings before the game starts.
The game ends when someone calls 'Cabo' on their turn. Each other player plays one final turn before all cards are revealed and the total score is tallied.
The player with the least point value wins. If a player calling Cabo ties, the other player wins. If 2 players do not call Cabo and have equal points, they are considered tied.
If playing with Most Points Win option, the player with the most points wins.
The host of the game can change the Game Settings before the game starts.
If there are 0 cards left in the draw pile, the game ends and the total score is tallied.